Home Forums Help/Technical Questions What Electro-Harmonix pedals are worth checking out right away?

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    I mentioned this in my previous thread, but here goes: I live in Miami, FL, but often stay in Puerto Rico because I have a band here. When we’re gigging a lot and stuff, I’ll fly down and stay for however long I have to. That being said, there weren’t a lot of good music stores in PR until about last year. One of them is now stocking EH pedals. I just wanted to ask if there’s anything I should check out immediately. I know that most EH pedals are road worthy, so I’ll probably be checking them all out at least at the store. I ask about this because the guys that work there are dicks and don’t take nicely to you walking in and saying “hey let’s just try out stuff!!”

    I like all types of music.


    The HOG, POG2, Deluxe Memory Boy, Freeze, and Ring Thing are all at the top of my list. You’ll wanna check out the 44 Magnum cause it’s loud, awesome, and easy to fly with. The Stereo Memory Man with Hazari will be my next purchase tho’. Hope that helps!



    The Black Finger Compressor is essential to me, but I don’t use a lot of distortion, overdrive, or fuzz. I prefer to play clean most of the time, and I’d usually rather use the natural breakup of my amplifiers than use a distortion pedal.

    But if you are mostly playing distorted leads, solos, and riffs, then the Black Finger might not be as useful to you.

    The Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai is probably the most exciting pedal EHX has made in the last 10 years. I’ve been using it since 2007, and I’m still finding new ways to use. If you like delay, chorus/flanger, looping, and experimental sounds, it is essential.

    But I could go on forever…


    ….and adding to that, the classic Small Stone and Small Clone are brilliant sounding simple modulation pedals (if bells and whistles aren’t your thing) … and everyone should try a Big Muff regardless.


    Woah, thanks for the responses guys! I’m actually going to pick up a little big muff pretty soon in a trade. I’m excited. I have a flanger pedal, and love modulation pedals, so a chorus and a phaser are on my list, as well as a delay. the thing is that I need a delay that i can dial an exact tempo on, so I’m going to have to pick up something digital. I saw that EHx makes a treble booster. that caught my attention.

    I gotta ask, are the smaller versions much different than the bigger pedals?

    I do need a compressor! does the black finger work for all kinds of stuff, or is it better with chords or leads?

    I’d like to compress my signal before flanging it, chorusing it, phasing it and delaying it to death.

    does EHx make a good tremolo pedal? one with a good solid CHOP? I dont need volume going up and down slowly, I need like, oscillation.

    I need a delay that i can dial an exact tempo on, so I’m going to have to pick up something digital..

    Not necessarily. The Deluxe Memory Boy is analog, and it has tap tempo.

    I do need a compressor! does the black finger work for all kinds of stuff, or is it better with chords or leads?

    There are other EHX compressors to consider — the White Finger and the Soul Preacher. It’s difficult to say which one will be best suited for your needs. I prefer the Black Finger for naturally compressed clean tones, or for attenuating the signal to my amps. I think the White Finger and the Soul Preacher are better for getting those very sustained and squashed Dynacomp type tones.

    does EHx make a good tremolo pedal? one with a good solid CHOP? I dont need volume going up and down slowly, I need like, oscillation.

    Yes, the Stereo Pulsar and the Wiggler are both excellent.


    I love my Pulsar pedal. Got mine used for $40. I run one side to my Mesa Boogie Rocket 4Forty, and the other to my 44Magnum. It can get pretty choppy, but does the slow thing pretty well to. And I’d like to second the Big Muff recommendation. Been rocking the Little Big muff since the spring, and I’m gonna pick up a Big muff with Tone Wicker this week.



    I use my Blackfinger for lead work sometimes and find it fantastic. By just raising the output volume I can achieve a really warm, rich lead sound which will feed back and sustain, just wonderful if thats what you want.

    Woah, thanks for the responses guys! I’m actually going to pick up a little big muff pretty soon in a trade. I’m excited. I have a flanger pedal, and love modulation pedals, so a chorus and a phaser are on my list, as well as a delay. the thing is that I need a delay that i can dial an exact tempo on, so I’m going to have to pick up something digital. I saw that EHx makes a treble booster. that caught my attention.

    I gotta ask, are the smaller versions much different than the bigger pedals?

    I do need a compressor! does the black finger work for all kinds of stuff, or is it better with chords or leads?

    I’d like to compress my signal before flanging it, chorusing it, phasing it and delaying it to death.

    does EHx make a good tremolo pedal? one with a good solid CHOP? I dont need volume going up and down slowly, I need like, oscillation.

    Can I add my admiration of the ‘Stereo Pulsar’ to this thread. I bought mine not thinking I would use it much at all, but I was blown away – it’s great.

    Big Muff with a valve amp is a joy to behold!

    I can’t recommend the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai enough. It’s a fantastic thing and I too am still finding new uses for it. It’s like a musical instrument in itself.

    You also talk of a treble booster – I assume you mean the ‘Screaming Bird’. Be careful here. It does seem to boost the treble but at the same time removes all bass from the signal. I keep mine on my board, but it has VERY limited use. Try before you buy.

    Woah, thanks for the responses guys! I’m actually going to pick up a little big muff pretty soon in a trade. I’m excited. I have a flanger pedal, and love modulation pedals, so a chorus and a phaser are on my list, as well as a delay. the thing is that I need a delay that i can dial an exact tempo on, so I’m going to have to pick up something digital. I saw that EHx makes a treble booster. that caught my attention.

    I gotta ask, are the smaller versions much different than the bigger pedals?

    I do need a compressor! does the black finger work for all kinds of stuff, or is it better with chords or leads?

    I’d like to compress my signal before flanging it, chorusing it, phasing it and delaying it to death.

    does EHx make a good tremolo pedal? one with a good solid CHOP? I dont need volume going up and down slowly, I need like, oscillation.

    Can I add my admiration of the ‘Stereo Pulsar’ to this thread. I bought mine not thinking I would use it much at all, but I was blown away – it’s great.

    Big Muff with a valve amp is a joy to behold!

    I can’t recommend the Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai enough. It’s a fantastic thing and I too am still finding new uses for it. It’s like a musical instrument in itself.

    You also talk of a treble booster – I assume you mean the ‘Screaming Bird’. Be careful here. It does seem to boost the treble but at the same time removes all bass from the signal. I keep mine on my board, but it has VERY limited use. Try before you buy.

    Yeah man, thats the one I meant. I think it might be good for soloing, since rolling off bass will help you cut through. might also sound great as a sort of filter pedal.

    I didnt know that delay pedal had a tap tempo! my interest is peaked! I hope they have that pedal at that store still come december. im in between jobs.

    I’m really psyched about getting the little big muff. a lot of my favorite artists are into the pedal: Dinosaur Jr, Sonic Youth, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana.


    What can you guys tell me about the electric mistress? I know theres two versions: one is promoted as a flanger AND chorus and the other is a flanger by itself.

    any big difference in tone between them?

    What can you guys tell me about the electric mistress? I know theres two versions: one is promoted as a flanger AND chorus and the other is a flanger by itself.

    any big difference in tone between them?

    yeah… the stereo electric mistress is digital and the deluxe electric mistress is analogue, they do similar things but sound quite different… totally different circuits.

    What can you guys tell me about the electric mistress? I know theres two versions: one is promoted as a flanger AND chorus and the other is a flanger by itself.

    any big difference in tone between them?

    yeah… the stereo electric mistress is digital and the deluxe electric mistress is analogue, they do similar things but sound quite different… totally different circuits.

    Hmm… i think im going to have to go deluxe then. I want the kind of modulation sounds you hear in The Cure records.


    But the Deluxe Electric Mistress doesn´t have chorus, right? I had to choose between Stereo and Deluxe, and I took the Stereo Electric Mistress. I love the combination of flanger and chorus! Normally I prefer analogue pedals, but in this case I made an exception. It sounds magic.

    But the Deluxe Electric Mistress doesn´t have chorus, right? I had to choose between Stereo and Deluxe, and I took the Stereo Electric Mistress. I love the combination of flanger and chorus! Normally I prefer analogue pedals, but in this case I made an exception. It sounds magic.

    yeah, they both sound good, I like the SEM too.. nothing wrong with digital effects at all.

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