Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Differences between Big Muff and Little Big Muff?

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    Hey y’all, I’m new here. I joined to ask about Big Muff pedals, as well as some other questions I have about EHx gear, since a local dealer just brought in a boat load of pedals, and I’m going to need to know what’s good. :)

    I want to know if there is any difference between the big muff and the little big muff besides the size of the case. thanks!





    This post answers your question (& a whole lot more :) )


    Website: http://www.kitrae.net/music/music_big_muff.html

    From Post/Website (From Forum Member: Kitrae)

    Version 9 “NYC REISSUE” BIG MUFF (2000) – The tone is in the same family as the old version 6 Big Muffs from the early 1980s, though this is not actually a reissue of that version. Slightly more muffled (muffier?), and modern sounding, without the clarity of most of the early vintage USA Muffs. Mid tones are very scooped. The bottom end is also beefier than most vintage Muffs. It does not react as sharply to pinch harmonics as the V1, V2, and V3 Muffs and does not work as well for crisp palm muting as older Muffs. It has a grungier, but very interesting character to the sound. More chunky and dronish than melodic. Think Jack White of the White Stripes’ tone. The component values were modified in 2007 and then again in 2008. Nothing significant changed in the tone that I can tell in the first few revs, but the Revision C Big Muffs have a thicker and bassier sound than the Rev A/B muffs, with less note clarity. Presumably this was done to give it a more modern and heavy sound.

    Version 10 “LITTLE” BIG MUFF (circa 2006) – Sonically the Little Big Muff sounds very similar to the NYC reissue V9, but a bit brighter and a bit less bottom end to the sound. A great Muff tone. Some people say this sounds like the Ram’s Head Muff, but not like any Ram’s Head Muff I have ever played. Some units sound slightly different than others.

    This post answers your question (& a whole lot more :) )


    Website: http://www.kitrae.net/music/music_big_muff.html

    From Post/Website (From Forum Member: Kitrae)

    Version 9 “NYC REISSUE” BIG MUFF (2000) – The tone is in the same family as the old version 6 Big Muffs from the early 1980s, though this is not actually a reissue of that version. Slightly more muffled (muffier?), and modern sounding, without the clarity of most of the early vintage USA Muffs. Mid tones are very scooped. The bottom end is also beefier than most vintage Muffs. It does not react as sharply to pinch harmonics as the V1, V2, and V3 Muffs and does not work as well for crisp palm muting as older Muffs. It has a grungier, but very interesting character to the sound. More chunky and dronish than melodic. Think Jack White of the White Stripes’ tone. The component values were modified in 2007 and then again in 2008. Nothing significant changed in the tone that I can tell in the first few revs, but the Revision C Big Muffs have a thicker and bassier sound than the Rev A/B muffs, with less note clarity. Presumably this was done to give it a more modern and heavy sound.

    Version 10 “LITTLE” BIG MUFF (circa 2006) – Sonically the Little Big Muff sounds very similar to the NYC reissue V9, but a bit brighter and a bit less bottom end to the sound. A great Muff tone. Some people say this sounds like the Ram’s Head Muff, but not like any Ram’s Head Muff I have ever played. Some units sound slightly different than others.

    This is great! thanks!!

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