Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Deluxe Electric Mistress NEW vs VINTAGE

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    Hey guys
    I’ve been ogling and DEM lately (shot it out against a MXR 117 Flanger and it won by far), and I was wondering… has anyone ever tested the older ones (included transformer) against the newer ones (power supply), and if, are there any noticeable differences? I’ve found both to buy nearby, obviously the vintage one a bit more expensive, and if there were no big differences, I’d rather buy the newer one… I think..

    Anyway, what do you people think?


    There shouldn’t be a big difference, I’d try both (if you can) and get whichever you prefer.

    The EH Man

    The only audible difference should be the delay IC. You may want to try both to see which you prefer.


    I’ve tried the vintage one and I loved it, but I wont be able to compare them side by side… and my memory isn’t that good to remember the fine details from one to another. I think I’ll be able to try the new one out next weekend.
    I asked because there are many differences on other pedals versions :)


    What about internal transformer noise and volume drop issues?

    The EH Man

    I don’t know if there’s the same volume issue but transformer noise hasn’t been an issue that I can recall.


    K, so I bought it.

    It looks comlpetely beat-up and rusted from the ouside, but the sound is pretty cool. Can get very extreme, the pots are working just fine. The only thing that bugs me is the volume drop. It way to huge to get by live. Only if you use the EM on theough a whole song, or pair it up in an external effect loop with a booster.
    I might be looking to mod it.

    Oh, and theres a capacitor that has been switched, I can tell because it’s made in Brazil… wonder if that changes anything on the sound…


    I’m assuming you bought the older one? I currently have a reissue “no transformer” dem and love it but it also has a huge volume drop. I’ve also been thinking about getting an older one…only if they sound more like the original electric mistress with the SAD1024 IC. Does anyone know what the difference between the old green and black dem with transformer and the transitional silver and black? When did they quit using the Reticon IC. Also, Ron could you please tell us the secret resistor, I assume, to change to fix the volume drop. I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find ANY listed diy mods to the dem. I’ve found plenty of mods for the original em along with the volume drop mod. Mine also has a good bit of clock noise or ticking that’s in time with the rate pot that get pretty annoying. I will say that whatever pedals before and after the dem has a pretty good, or bad, impact on the dem. You need to find where it works best. I’d also like to mod mine with a wet/dry or level control along with led.

    On another note, I just received a paypal invoice for Ron Neely at Ronsound also know as The EH Man here. It’s an invoice for an original electric mistress that needed repairs that I couldn’t do. The invoice is kinda cheaper than I expected…..I’m praying you got it working good Ron as I was just about to buy another one!


    I never really noticed a huge volume problem with the new Deluxe Electric Mistress RI (definitely not as bad as the Small Stone). The only thing that bugged me at first was the ground noise but with a decent gate after it you can cut that out, mainly for recording purposes. I think they sound great.

    I never really noticed a huge volume problem with the new Deluxe Electric Mistress RI (definitely not as bad as the Small Stone). The only thing that bugged me at first was the ground noise but with a decent gate after it you can cut that out, mainly for recording purposes. I think they sound great.

    What kind of ground noise?? Mine isn’t near noisy enough to use a noise gate. Then again I don’t use gates really. Probably should with all the muff”s on my board. There’s definately a noticeable drop on mine. Especially when playing it with a muff DG style. Right now I have it in a blend loop and when I bypass it there’s a noticeable increase in sound and noticeable drop in sound when engaged. I’m using a quality blend too. The barge concepts vbjr….it could use a level knob though. I’m working on a blender similar to xotic effects x blender now though which uses tl074’s as buffers and also has blend, volume, phase and 3 section eq. I hope it works!


    Yes, I bought the original one. Big Muff styled box, (what’s left of) green painting.

    I’ve read somewhere that there was no difference at all between the green and the silver DEMs. Can’t remember where.

    There’s a guy on youtube that shows a mod to solve the volume drop issue on the original EM, it seems quite simple, just solder a capacitor and a resistor in there somewhere…

    Yes, I bought the original one. Big Muff styled box, (what’s left of) green painting.

    I’ve read somewhere that there was no difference at all between the green and the silver DEMs. Can’t remember where.

    There’s a guy on youtube that shows a mod to solve the volume drop issue on the original EM, it seems quite simple, just solder a capacitor and a resistor in there somewhere…

    Your first post was asking about the newer RI’s vs. the older dem’s with internal transformer. If I would’ve known that I would’ve told you to jump on it….considering the price and condition. They’re pretty much collectable’s and is known as one, if not, the best flanger produced. The DEM RI “newer” sounds similar but there’s definately a difference in sound from the many users I’ve talked too as well as sound samples. David Gilmour used this pedal extensively thoughout the wall and more so during the the wall tour.I should have mine within the next couple days and I’ll compare it to my newer dem ri. I had the eh man fix it as well as add true bypass and fix the volume drop. Figured I might as well have him do the volume mod while he was in there.


    Yes, you’re right… the one I wanted was the DEM. I was going to have a friend bring me a new one from the US, but then an original EM popped up here on local Ebay… for a very nice price, so I had to check it out.

    I really like the sound of it, the only bummer is the volume drop. I’ll try to fix it this weekend.


    In case anyone still wonders…


    I Actually like the 80s version better… but haven’t heard one live yet.

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