Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics signal pad question

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    hi there, just wanted to get forum thoughts on this :

    i have a lovetone meatball envelope filter. it has a fx loop, into which i patch a memory boy, but there is a volume drop as you increase the blend of the memory boy’s effect into the envelope filter’s loop. i was thinking a signal pad would be a good thing to add into the fx loop.
    what do you think? before or after the memory boy?
    thanks for any replies….


    no dice if you’re looking to use the SP to ‘normalise’ the volume- it’s just a potentiometer in a chassis, there’s no ‘boost’ circuitry. It will give more of a volume drop. It’s like a volume pedal but without a treadle/wah type enclosure.

    Now the LPB-1 on the other hand would fix the problem.


    thanks for that saved me from getting the wrong pedal…would a compressor do the same thing or different result? thanks, chris




    it could do the same thing, but has a better chance of sounding like garbage [analog delays have a built in compressor for the delays- adding more compression gives you less variation in volume which would detract from any expressive playing- not what you’re looking for with an envelope filter]. For the sake of signal, envelope and dynamics integrity, use a lpb-1 or similar ‘boost’ pedal [or an EQ pedal].

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