Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Hum Debugger Problem – HISS

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    Just bought a Hum Debugger. When it is engaged it hisses very loud, tried different cables strait into the amp of course used the included power supply plugged into a power conditioner. It does stop the single coil 60 cycle hum though :-) When not engaged it’s very quiet.

    So unit not on – no hiss, unit on == loud hiss.

    Any thoughts? I’ve tried diff cables, amps, guitars.

    I assume that it doesn’t normally have the hiss, pretty unusable. Should I just return it and try another one?



    Just sent it back and exchanged for Holy Grail. I would love to know if other people experience a hiss with the Hum Debugger unit, really need one and will order one again if I feel confident that the first one was defective in some way.



    I don’t recall getting hiss with mine, but it is a year or so since I owned one. It used to make my guitar sound kinda odd and reverby though, that’s why I stopped using it.



    I think I’ll pick up another one next month. I returned the one I got for a Holy Grail which I’m waiting to be delivered. Sounds like I just got a bad unit.

    Thanks again!


    Just bought a Hum Debugger. When it is engaged it hisses very loud, tried different cables strait into the amp of course used the included power supply plugged into a power conditioner. It does stop the single coil 60 cycle hum though :-) When not engaged it’s very quiet.

    So unit not on – no hiss, unit on == loud hiss.

    Any thoughts? I’ve tried diff cables, amps, guitars.

    I assume that it doesn’t normally have the hiss, pretty unusable. Should I just return it and try another one?


    My name is Rick Stevenson and I am from EH. No the loud hiss is not normal. The Hum Debugger does remove noise and hiss. Contact the dealer that you purchased it from. Return the Hum Debugger and tell them about your problem. Tell them you want a new one and that you either test it yourself or inform them that you want their best player/technician to test it before it is shipped back to you.

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