Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Man w Hazarai Bypass Clicks

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    I think MMwH is great except of a fatal flaw which i hope is specific to my unit: every time i press bypass i get pronounced clicks and pops on record. Because it is the only way to delete a loop there is no way around it… EHX, do all of them pop or is it just this unit?


    mine pops too – i think i have seen some solutions involving soldering in a resister on the jack… but i’m not clear on the details – i’m sure someone else will chime in


    Yes, this is extremely frustrating . I use the feedback to erase a loop because the bypass switch is so loud , but this not ideal! Even if there was a way to use an external looper (fx loop I meant) pedal with a softer switchto turn the loop on and off that would be great. Any details on that soldering business?


    there you go http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af286/fenderamerica/Pedal Schematics/ANTIPOPJACK.png copy paste the whole link on another window.


    here is a cool article explaining why the audible pops happen in the signal chain http://www.stinkfoot.se/andreas/diy/articles/suck.htm

    but this does not have anything to do with the mechanical pop that happens with the switches (what i think looptheloop is concerned with), only the pop that travels down the cable to the amp…

    the only solution there would be to install cusacks soft switches http://cusackmusic.com/wp/?page_id=22
    but i’m not sure if you can install that in the smmwh… or if it would even work with a stereo device

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