Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Hazarai Reverse Problems

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    I love my Hazarai except for one thing that just doesn’t fully work as advertised: the feature where you play, hold the left footswitch down, and hear up to 6 seconds of your playing come back to you in reverse. I wish it really were anywhere near 6 seconds…the best I can manage is 1 second, maybe a second and a half. That tantalizing fragment sounds so good that I really want the whole 6 seconds the manual promised. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a glitch? (I had to send my brand-new Freeze back for a crap footswitch, so I know that “teething problems” do happen.) Any help you could provide would be most…um…helpful!


    Put your DECAY at noon and see if that helps. We had a thread about this on here somewhere but I can’t find it. Regardless, none of us can get more than 3 seconds out of that function. Still cool though.


    I’ll try it! Thanks kindly.

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