Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 2880 Looper in Stereo mode

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  • #80621

    I have had a 2880 for awhile & typically have used it with a bass, guitar & pedal steel. I had all of these three run through a custom 3 way switch to select which instrument (a/b/c) goes to which output (1/2). I could send a signal to the 2880 & with the same instrument or a different one send a separate signal to the mixing board.

    That all worked fine.

    Here is the problem.

    I purchased a doubleneck Carvin 6/4 guitar/bass & rewired it so that both the bass & guitar can be played at the same time, each with their own output jacks.

    If I plug them both into the 2880, one in the L in and one in the R in, the 2880 only functions in mono. No matter which instrument I am playing it send the output & the loop output through the Left channel to the mixer.

    Is there any way to keep the bass & guitar signals separate? All of that audio in one channel on the mixer really makes for a lot of mud.

    **When I say mixer, I mean mixing board…a Mackie 1403VLZ**

    Thanks for any help.


    plug the two sources in to the input of the 2880

    adjust each instrument to proper levels

    turn the pan knob on the input completely left (center will sum the two channels together, fully right will inverse l/r)

    make sure stereo mode is selected and two track indicator leds are lit (1+2 or 3+4)

    plug the r + l output to the mixer

    make some loops


    should be good to go (my guess is you are not panning the dry completely left and thus summing to the two signals to mono before committing them to the loop tracks)


    i just read your post again, and it seems you are not getting any signal out of your right channel? if this is the case, i would imagine something is wrong with your unit (unless you have all the loops panned hard left?)


    Here is what is going on.

    Guitar to Left input, Bass to Right input.

    In either mono or stereo mode.

    When I pan to the left I can get the dry guitar. Center will get both, Right Pan gets bass. The dry signal is only output through the Left output.

    I cannot get any sound to come out of the Right Output. So perhaps there is something wrong with the unit?


    yeah that is not normal behavior – sounds like something is wrong somewhere along the line with the right output. i don’t have a schematic so i am not sure where i would begin trouble shooting that…

    if its new bring it back – if you are shy about a soldering iron, send it in for repair

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