Home Forums Vintage EHX Looking for vintage Poly Chorus

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  • #80605

    Just wondered if anyone might have a vintage (mono) EH Poly Chorus pedal for sale? Thanks


    I haven’t seen many EchoFlangers, PolyFlanges, or vintage PolyChorus units on eBay in quite awhile. It seems like there was one every week last year.

    I haven’t seen many EchoFlangers, PolyFlanges, or vintage PolyChorus units on eBay in quite awhile. It seems like there was one every week last year.

    Pedals definitly seem to arrive on eBay in ebbs and flows. There was a polyflanger up about 2 months ago


    A few years back I was also trying to get a hold of a vintage Polychorus. After months of trying to find a reasonably priced unit I gave up and bought the Stereo Polychorus (the modern version.) I have been very happy with the stereo Polychorus. It’s definitely one of my favorite pedals I own. Worth the $$$.

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