Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro Q-Tron or Tube Zipper?

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    So, I am looking at some type of envelope filter. I am not completely sold that I want one, but I think I do. I would use it on like one song, maybe. I already have a big muff w tone wicker and two fuzz factories that cover my fuzz/dist needs. I have a wah probe for wahing and a crybaby classic for cocking. I can make, you know, pretty much the same noise with that stuff. So, it seems like the Q-tron brings the funk, but would it be good for the occasional lead? Does the Tube Zipper do the basic clean q-tron sound? Is the Micro Q-tron good? The small Stone Nano was awful, so will it have those noisy, weak signal drawbacks? Would I use the Tube zipper for noise bits (we just kicked out our synth player)? I also plan on getting a moog ring mod at some point, would that cover me as far as the tube zippers crazier sounds? Do I need these with the previous wahs? Should I get the Fulltone Clyde Deluxe instead? Sorry, don’t know too much about envelope filters, really most modulation stuff. I mainly just use a few different reverbs and distortions and a tremolo and wah.


    I never owned an envelope filter until I bought my Q-Tron+ a few months ago, and I couldn’t be happier with it. Wah pedals are fun because you control the Q with your feet, but an envelope filter reacts to your TRUE playing style and picking dynamics. I, for example, really enjoy slapping and popping on guitar, and an envelope filter works just great with that playing style…hope this helped you out

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