Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Micro POG- effects loop?… front of amp?…. where in the chain???

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    I just recently purchased a micro pog and as i have never owned any kind of octave pedal b4 i am a bit lost and dont know if i should firstly put the micro pog through the effects loop or through the front of the amp??? and then where it should go in the chain??? My setup is a vox ac30 amp the pedals running through the front of the amp in signal order are: *compressor – overdriver – distorsion – chorus*…. and then pedals going through the effects loop in signal order from the effects send is: *delay – reverb – tremolo – phazer – flanger*… then back to the effects return!…. Any suggestions!!!!!


    It can really go anywhere in the chain, its versatile like that, but I suggest you put it before the amp, after the distortion. A year ago I might have said to put it first, but I reallly like it after distortions. With your setup I personally would go compressor>distortion>micropog>overdrive>chorus, but that’s just me. Good luck, experiment, have fun. There’s no right way.


    cheers!!!! :)

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