Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Help: My Memory Boy Doesn’t Oscillate

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    Hello. I got a new Memory Boy and it doesn’t oscillate. I tried setting the FEEDBACK at 3 o’clock and I just get around 6 repeats. Setting the FEEDBACK at max just gives me around 10 reps or so then it already fades. I compared this to my friend’s Memory Toy and his’ gets limitless cycles of reps at max. Do you guys have any fix for this? Can it be done through the trimpots?

    The EH Man

    There’s probably a feedback trim but I don’t know which one it is. Unless you know which one to adjust, DO NOT TOUCH THE TRIMS

    Glass Hero
    There’s probably a feedback trim but I don’t know which one it is. Unless you know which one to adjust, DO NOT TOUCH THE TRIMS

    I work at a local guitar shop in Dekalb Il.. i have a friend that has a memory boy which had its trimpots adjusted.. I have a B.S. in E.E. working on my masters…so i feel i am qualified to adjust trimpots to proper settings..i know this is a procedure and i have the tools for it (oscilloscope, meters, function generator, etc..) The pedal has no effected signal output, but using the vibrato i can get some circuit noises to become present..

    i have my own memory boy with the trimpots left alone..can i use that as a reference?

    I see inside it has places where you can hook a scope too marked BBD1, BBD2, etc..do i hook the scope there?

    This uses the 3208 BBD chip can i use a 3207 BBD chip (half the delay time of the 3208)??

    My friend adjusted the trimpots in hopes of opening up more usable range on the feedback knob (it goes to about half-way then get wild/out of control…where as my good old stereo memory man can go to about a quarter turn from full feedback) is there a way to open up more range on the feedback knob??

    can you please answer these or send me to someone that can.. really what i need is the procedure noting more…i have set bias voltage on many pedals before, i build alot of my own pedals and tube amplifiers so i can do this myself..i just need to know how to set the trimpots.. not the schematic just the trimpot procedure..

    i am thankful for any help you can give me..

    Glass Hero Amplification & Repair

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