Home Forums Review Your EHX Gear Holy Stain review

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    Just traded an ebow for a Holy Stain pedal. I’m really liking it, both reverbs are nice and full, the tremolo is good and potentially nauseating when i’m using it with my other tremolo in stereo like so and the overdrive is actually quite nice sounding, even when using a piezo pickup/acoustic guitar. Had my girlfriend play her cello through it and it sounds wonderful. working on a system to use a contact mic on the cello to control tremolo rate.

    only downsides to this pedal are the fuzz [which is too much for my music and that’s saying something and the pitch shifter which I probably just haven’t found a use for yet.

    I’m eager to try out the 3.3v to pin 5 mod I found online. probably not going to have time to do that for a while yet though.

    to conclude:
    while not an out-and-out pants-tightening pedal, it’s actually quite versatile/flexible and useful to have around as a backup or auxillary pedal. I can see no ‘tone’ bypass as a potential problem in a large pedal line.


    Dude, “The Key” is really cool. Seasick is a good description for the trem. But the song is awesome, good job.

    Seems pretty quiet ’round here lately.



    yeah a lot less spambot posts [which make my sarcastic replies just look strange]. maybe they figured out how to hook a humdebugger up to their server.


    I dig the reverbs in the Holy Stain (HS) especially the Hall setting. I mainly use mine in the parallel FX loop of my Mesa Rocket 44 on clean sounds. I use the pitch shifter mode as a slapback delay sometimes as well. The dirt is pretty good but needs to be tamed with the tone control. I find the trem to be a tad weak but I use it with a delay sometimes for some freaked out ambience. The HS is also great pedal to take to recording sessions with a small amp – It’s like [em]Led Zep I[/em] and Pink Floyd [em]Meddle[/em] in a box. I actually like how the clean setting colours my tone a bit too. Great unit. Would never get rid of it.

    Muff Diver

    I LOVE my Holy Stain. The fuzz and drive are both very good. The reverbs are both sweet and warm and the tremolo is very vintage sounding, too. The octave effect is pretty decent, but nothing really spectacular. I will give one word of advice…. only use a really good quality power adapter with it. A cheap one will cause the unit to make a lot of hum and noise. All in all, a really great and versatile pedal.

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