Home Forums Vintage EHX Wanted ,if possible: gut shot of 4 knob Deluxe Memory Man internals + switch wiring??

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  • #80438

    Hello,I’m wondering if anyone may have an internal photo (gut)shot or shots,of a (working,preferably)4 knob EH Deluxe Memory Man from the late 70’s (with SAD 1024 Reticon chips) that they would be willing to share on the forum,or privately? Particularly;a photo of the back of the ‘squelch’ switch and where it connects to. And one of the main on/off footswitch wiring to the board/jacks,if possible too…?
    I have just acquired one cheap that has a few unconnected wires and/or a dead switch.I want to see if I can reconnect it all back up and get it running again myself,or if it’s got a dead chip… in which case I’ll send it to a pro repairer. Thanks.


    Anybody…?? Or if someone could just tell me if the ‘squelch’ switch is supposed to only have 3 connectors on one side at the back,like the power switch,or two rows of 3? I’d post a photo of my pedal if I could reduce it properly…

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