Home Forums Help/Technical Questions 1978 Deluxe Electric Mistress rate problem

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    Just bought vintage DEM on Ebay. The pots dated 1978 so I guess it was produced in 1978-79. I’ve got a new reissue DEM so I can compare them side by side. The difference in sound is very noticable but it’s hard to tell wich one sounds better. The reissue has more bass and sounds milder and more liquid, the vintage has more transparent and warm tone but lacks some bottom end and has more noticable volume drop than reissue. Basically the same setting of range and color knobs give the very similar sound on both pedals but the “rate” knobs are acting very different. On reissue rotating “rate” clockwise increases modulation speed smoothly giving a very slow speed on nine o’clock and gradually increasing it up to maximum. I think this in normal way the rate knob should operate. On vintage DEM rotating rate knob from start to 3(!) o’clock doesen’t produce more or less difference in modulation speed – it stays very slow till 3 o’clock. All the active range left is from 3 o’clock to maximum. Here rate increases rapidly from very slow to fast making it difficult to adjust desired speed. The maximum speed available is slightly lower than on reissue. So I suppose the rate control doesen’t work properly on my vintage DEM and I will be grateful to get some opinions why this happens and is it possible to solve the problem.


    It might be a different pot, thus making a difference on slow/fast ratio. Think that its a different model, you’re not comparing 2 RIs or 2 vintage models


    I don’t expect these two models to behave identically. I just suppose that this is not normal operation. For example the pot on my vintage ’75 Phase 90 increases rate gradually just like on my other more recent modulation pedals. Could it be result of previous owner’s messing with the trim pots or ageing of electronic components – that’s what i’m asking for.


    I think the problem is on the pot, not on the trims. It might be old components also, but I would wait for someone that knows a little bit more than I do to come here.

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