Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Any thoughts on powering my Russian Big Muff via battery clip to a power chain?

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  • #80310
    Barra Rock

    I’ve purchased a power adapter that can accommodate up to 11 pedals (2000 ma).
    One of the connector wires included is a battery clip for effects that are battery only.
    I’ve plugged it into the battery cable of my Sovtek Big Muff. I’ve been playing with it for an hour,
    everything sounding fine. Is this an alright manoeuvre?
    Would appreciate any feedback from those who’ve lots of experience with big muffs.



    I have the same Big Muff and I use a one-spot power supply for everything in my pedal board except my HOG. The battery connector has worked great for me for the past two years. The only thing that worries me about it is having the wires get pinched by the housing, since they stick out while the casing is screwed together. I have had one problem with this before, but now I have a completely protected pedal board so the Big Muff hardly moves from where it sits in the case.


    i do that too, but watch out, i just had to bring my green sovtek muff in for a repair, cus the clip broke off the pedal, so be careful, if you move it or at least duct tape the battary clip, secure to the pedal


    I had my sovtek green muff powered the same way, with no problems at all. Tape is your friend in the way Hammy describes. Only problem I ever encountered was when I put another analog fuzz (ABsynth) on the same daisy chain, got some hum. So I just linked it to a different onespot. I use 2 to power 7 pedals.


    same here, i have a 1spot powering a Russian bass balls in the same manor with battery clip, no issues.

    Barra Rock

    Okay all,
    Appreciate the testimonials.
    I’ll definitely secure those wires before the muff is hired.

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