Home Forums The Lounge English Muff’n and or SD Lava box wich one shold i get?

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    SD Lava box or English Muff’n?
    I’m looking for a overdrive and distortion pedal that can get me blues to metal tones (especialy the Les Zeppelin and Black Sabbath tone)

    Sorry for any mistakes im not on my computer and all so i wold love some help. Thank you(Show me some knowledge not like the guis at my les paul forum because they didn’t say a word in 2 days)


    see if you can get your hands on a hot tubes. nice pic man

    see if you can get your hands on a hot tubes. nice pic man

    Ok its a pedal the problem is i didnt finde it on an european site but only here on ehx
    ill keep looking for one here in europ Thanks for the help.

    Kevin Demuth
    see if you can get your hands on a hot tubes. nice pic man

    Ok its a pedal the problem is i didnt finde it on an european site but only here on ehx
    ill keep looking for one here in europ Thanks for the help.

    You’d probably have to buy it used – I don’t think they’re currently in production… I think there was a limited run recently (in the last year or two), but they would probably all have sold by now.

    The English Muff’n may well be good for what you want… but there are so many other possibilities too…

    I have an old Yamaha MBD-20 Multi-Band Distortion which I’d say is perfect. They’re not that easy to find though.



    Well this is the problem its very hard to find Universal Distortion Pedals

    Kevin Demuth
    Well this is the problem its very hard to find Universal Distortion Pedals

    If possible, the best thing to do would be to go to a guitar shop and try some pedals out; you may be lucky and find something suitable straight away…
    Or you may find a good overdrive which suits the bluesy stuff you want to do, but not the heavier sounds – but perhaps using a boost or another overdrive in tandem could get you there.

    If you’re going for old school metal (you mentioned Black Sabbath), you’re not really going to need masses of gain.


    Yes that is the problem I live in Romania and peopel dont have thouse many pedals around but i belive i a guy that a know has at his shop a Mesa V-twin Pedal not shure but the point is that its really hard to find pedals here especially with all these effect processors.


    oohhhh! the v-twin is a very nice pedal, why dont you try that out!

    oohhhh! the v-twin is a very nice pedal, why dont you try that out!

    Well i saw it but behind the counter if you know what i mean.


    totally random, but i really like your avatr Raddar! 😆

    totally random, but i really like your avatr Raddar! 😆


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