Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics FLANGER HOAX

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  • #80242

    Hi Folks,
    I’ve just got my new Flanger Hoax,it’s fantastic!it’s great!it’s an U.F.O!!!
    there is someone that could share some instant flanger and phaser settings?ready for a practical live guitar use?

    thanks a lot


    BlueSteel,thanks a lot,I’ve found a lot of very interesting stuff….

    this pedal is real amazing


    your welcome loopman. yea it is awesome, and i love how you can get a ton of different sounds out of it.


    I think you did good thing by purchasing flanger hoax as it has great demand now a days in the market. Moreover you want some lessons for practical use you can learn lots of thing from the lesson given by bluesteel. If you practice them regularly you will be perfect in playing flanger hoax. Bluesteel has shared great things with us which will be useful for many of us.


    love my Flanger Hoax, I haven’t added any of my settings to the HCFX thread in a while, I’ll have to add some soon.


    My Flanger Hoax made it out of the box again today. I have put it on the pedal board and my MXR Phase 45 has been sold and the MXR Flanger is on eBay. Now to anyone reading this they may think I’m implying that the Flanger Hoax does what those two do. It doesn’t have the directness of sound of either of those two. It’s a gentler softer effect. What I like about it is that it’s not like either of those but like a blend of subtle flanging and phasing.


    Hello All,
    I got my Flanger Hoax in yesterday. & started playing with it last night. Actually did about 3 hours today along with some recording when I got something interesting happening. My first impression with this gadget is that I would have loved to have some EHX settings come with it to get a general idea of some of the basic things it can do. Obviously, it wasn’t what anyone would buy this for since it can do some very wild stuff. Of course, it only takes a little research on the Internet to get other folks settings, but I really do think some basic ones in the box would be very helpful. Perhaps this would be a good job for Bill to take on. I also agree with one of the reviews I read in that this thing in stereo would be amazing. So, having said all that……..

    I absolutely love this thing for mostly all the reasons I love my HOG. Not your run-of-the-mill pedal, this thing has so many options/tweaking room variations that my main frustration is having to sit & find them. Plus, trying to come up with something combining the FH into the HOG…………..
    I also like the self-oscillating areas the FH has. With some counter-intuitive knob turning, all kinds of neat usable sounds are produced. It’s also useful to listen to the differences between the BLENDED & EFFECT OUTPUTs, but I’m not yet exactly sure if I can put my finger on the differences. So far, the BLENDED jack is just a lot more effect obviously. That’s what I’ve used so far to record with through the HOG.


    Hi I made a template for this monster. Makes life much more easy.

    I have a better resolution but cant post i here due to size restrictions.

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