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    I’ve made a few Tonebenders and Rangemasters, and I generally use 1/2 watt CC resistors, except on the Rangemasters where I use metal film in the interests of my ears. Now I’ve ventured into the wonderful world of the Big Muff, a delightful world of sounds and sights wherein I have made a GGG Civil War version, followed by a recap/resistor job on a NYC reissue to bring it to quasi Triangle spec – rather successful too, I think. So I’m now trying my hand at building a Rams Head using a circuit board repro from a guy in East Sussex, UK which I found on ebay. So to get to the point of this rambling account, I ordered the bits and pieces and when they arrived today I discovered I’d ordered 1/4 watt resistors instead of the 1/2 watt resistors I had intended to order. Can anyone tell me if this will make a huge difference? I know a lot of “boutique” pedals use 1/4 watt as do most, if not all, DYI kits. I like the 1/2 watt resistors because they are easier for me to handle, but I don’t want to have to pay $20.00 to reorder $10.00 worth of resistors from Mouser. So if there is nothing to be gained I will go with these. Any suggestions?
    And thanks for your patience.


    no, it won’t make any difference at all.


    Ok, thanks.

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