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    does anyone have any the edge settings for the memory boy?


    That´s a difficult question for 2 reasons.

    The first one is that is impossible to get the complexity of Edge´s tone from a Memory Toy. You might get close, specially to the first U2 albums when The Edge used 2 Deluxe Memory Man as main delay units. After that he changed to digital delay units like TC Electronics and Korg SDD.

    The second reason is that The Edge´s sound (on wich he has spent thousands of dollars) is based on delay timing plus rythm guitar technique, so it is possible to get very close to his sound combining a good delay unit and a good rythm guitar technique.

    My advice is to try different delay timing and feedback settings… there´s a lot of info on the internet about the edge´s sound and specific delay timing (in miliseconds) for each of his songs.


    yes i have seen the websites,you have mentiond,it can be very confusing when talking about delay.i wish i had waited a little longer and got the memory boy deluxe with tap tempo and subdivisions.


    if he used 2 memory boys in a row, use the bill ruperts ehx tone tips #1 to dual loop a stereo memeory man. im guessing you wont be able to do that cause you just have a memory boy


    I’ll bet you can get a close approximation with the MB once you get the rhythms down. I doubt a Deluxe MB will get you there quicker (but thst expression pedal, mmmm).

    I first tried it with a Boss delay and it worked for the early material, but I’ve been playing with a Memory Man and am bass-ackwardly finding Edge-like textures I couldn’t do with other delays.


    plus – yu gotta use herdim picks the wrong way round too, its that rrrp of the dimples, like the start
    of “all because of you” – honestly best edge trick ever


    The reason is that The Edge´s sound (on witch he has spent thousands of dollars) is based on delay timing plus rhythm guitar technique, so it is possible to get very close to his sound combining a good delay unit and a good rhythm guitar technique.

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