Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Wiggler ticking noise (even in Bypass)

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  • #80170

    Hi folks,

    my wiggler (I love it!) makes this ticking noise since I bought it new. Its in sync with the rate.

    It gets really annoying when I ad some crunch after the wiggler. Clean is ok. Its even in bypass

    only way is to switch the pedal off. I need to know if this is normal. If yes I could live with it

    if no I will return it for repair.

    Thanks in advance!


    i think one question the techs will need to know is if you have the old big box version or the new small XO box?

    in my case i have the new XO version and i have not had this problem, so if you to have this one i would take it back or have it repaired.

    i have heard rumor of sum people having this issue with the older ones, but i still am not sure if its normal.


    Thanks for your reply, Mr.Grim. Seems I have the new one (the one currently shown on the ehx site).

    Didn´t know there was another one. So if you don´t have the noise, my one seems to be faulty.

    Anyone else? I just don´t want to send it away and get another one 6 weeks later that does the same thing…


    the noise may also be generated by other electrical items around your setup. electro magnetic fields made by items like washers and dryers, forced air heaters, electrical boxes, fans….ect. may make this happen, try using it in a completely different location and see if that’s the problem, or turn items on and off around you.


    Yeah been thinking of that before. But it´s always exactly the same. Even moved to another

    flat (not because of the pedal lol). One thing is strange though, when I turn down the

    guitars volume, it goes away (theres still a low thumping, but thats normal I guess and not

    an issue. The wiggler seems to modulate the ticking from the noise coming from the pick up.

    But it doesn´t change when I turn down intensity.

    The thumping also goes away in bypass the high pitched ticking does not. I could also imagine

    that the wiggler in some way messes with the ground beeing high voltage tube, but I don´t know.

    I guess I´ll just try and send it away.

    Thanks so far!

    i think one question the techs will need to know is if you have the old big box version or the new small XO box?

    in my case i have the new XO version and i have not had this problem, so if you to have this one i would take it back or have it repaired.

    i have heard rumor of sum people having this issue with the older ones, but i still am not sure if its normal.

    It’s the wiggler, not the worm he’s talking about :poke:


    doh! :doh: :doh: :doh: that went over my head!

    anyway, the second post i left was still sum thing to look into with the electro magnetic fields.

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