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    One really “simple” and very useful Improvement for both the Micro Synthesizer and the Bass Micro Synthesizer would be adding the now-almost-standard PRESET FUNCTION and KNOB.

    I Really love the tones you can get from it, but it’s a real pain to note or take photos of all the different configurations. I think this would be not only stage friendly, but even studio friendly (I would stick to some presets for future songs and different artists after saving them).

    Last but not least, if you ask me about space considering all the faders, I would suggest the knob to be placed between the bypass and the faders. AND the preset lights to be placed horizontally, instead of vertically (as all EHX currently boxes) – if this is even possible; Hell, I think you can even do it well with a mere tap/stomp knob (‘hold to’ save/store) instead of the ’round-press-turn’ white one.

    well, that’s just my opinion.

    also sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I’m not a English native speaker

    (btw, love EHX long time & proud owner of POG2/SMMH/VoiceBox/LittleBigMuff/drQ/MPOG)


    Good thinking, BUT…

    problem here might be, that the pedals you’re talking about aren’t digital and the ones with “hazarai”/presets are digital.

    so there may always be 2 groups of EH pedals in the future – analog ones without presets, and digital ones with presets.

    look at the Deluxe Memory Boy – although there is – i think – a digital brain in it, which seems to do the taptempo and subdivision stuff, there seemed to be no possibility to store the knob settings in presets – cause the knobs set the analog side of the pedal – at least – that’s what i think.

    a staff member could enlighten this for us maybe!

    best regards



    hey diego,

    I thought about it before posting, BUT THEN I looked at my POG2, and even tough I don’t know If its an analog or digital based effect (I was once told it was, but I couldn’t find this info anywhere) I can tell there are some octave manipulation and even a Q and filter. The same goes to the HOG, if you consider the footcontroller.

    I mean, that’s exactly why I posted it here. I don’t have the technical knowledge about it, and want to hear a word from the staff members about it. And maybe then, re-suggest it differently. Like: creating a hybrid/digital version of the micro synthesizer (considering the octave session and filter from POG2/HOG would greatly work) featuring the same controls [maybe something new] and specially a PRESET saver/knob.
    I don’t even know how much of an analog circuit the MicroSynth really is. Maybe it reproduces the analog aspects, maybe half of it. Will wait for a reply from the staff.

    Oh! And thank you, diego, for posting here, i thought no one was interested as I didn’t find any posts about those 2 boxes.


    I’m not from the staff but I can tell you: Analog pedals don’t have presets, and digitals can have (they can, but not necesarily they have). The MS is analog while the pog, pog2, hog are digital.


    Ok. I got it. I never opened these box (I don’t own one, just used in some recording sessions). That’s why I’ll take your word for granted. Anyway, I’m still interested in an analog-sound synth simulator, with the preset feature, from electro-harmonix.

    If you look at it, the difference between those pedals and the Micro Synth- in terms of controls not sound or timbre itself – are: the trigger; the possibility to set a starting and ending frequency; mixing of a square wave signal. All of which wouldn’t sound bad and could be achieved in an digital EHX box (c’mon, HOG, POG and even Voice Box have good warm tones/sounds).

    So, jugging that what you guys said is right (I’ll only believe it, if someone from the staff or who do messes with pedals and opened a MicroSynth tell us), what I’m asking for here is: a digital (close sounding) version of the Micro Synthesizer (be it bass or guitar – I prefer the Bass Micro Synthesizer for any instrument) that have a PRESET feature in it.

    is that asking too much?


    Hey PedalKnifeFight.

    Maybe you do! ;-P

    Here is what you can read on the MicroSynth-Site here at EHX.com:

    Quick Specs
    True bypass
    All analog design
    2-pole analog resonant filter
    4 voice mixer section mixes: sub octave, original, octave up and square wave
    Square wave voice can be used as a distortion tone
    Start, stop filter frequency sliders with adjustable rate for full control over the filter’s sweep direction and speed
    Adjustable filter resonance control
    Adjustable attack time control for fading-in notes
    Tough and compact die-cast chassis
    96DC-200BI power supply included

    So of course – EHX could do a digital version with presets, BUT – to be honest, it would definitely not be the same. HOG, POGs etc. are totally different beasts – although they share a few features with the microsynths. would it really be sooo hard to just make notes from your fave settings – how many different settings do/would you use in a live setting. and studio it’s not a problem i think.

    still – you are maybe right – it would be possible to do a digital version of the microsynth.

    but i don’t think many would choose it over the analog one, because – let’s face it – that’s the point of this pedal! analog “moog-like” synthesis!

    and therefor it’s unique!

    but – no offence – and – good luck! :-)



    Well I don’tr know if it’s possible to make a hybrid of it, but I will think it will be way too expensive, the micrto synthesizer is already a pretty expensive pedal, so I don’t think it would be commercially attractive..


    even a hybrid?!

    is there any analog path pedal, even with digital brain, that can store settings?!

    i wouldn’t know. but it would be interesting.

    think of the seymour duncan deja vu, or the hybrid pedals from guyatone or the deluxe memory boy.
    mostly the digital side is used for tap tempo control and similar time-features, like subdivisions.

    the rest is knob settings in the analog side, which can’t be stored and recalled easily.

    does someone know any analog pedals where all the knob settings can be stored?!



    There are analog synthesizers like Moog with presets..



    Don’t need to design a “hybrid” audio path…
    ALL analog circuits can be “presetable”!!!
    That could be done by digital potenciometers, and a microcontroller to control them, and to store the presets. Example: http://www.backline-eng.com/page2.html
    That would be realy great… for the Flanger Hoax too :)


    well, yes, but it would look like it’s not analog (at least people would feel that way). For example: the dmb has a digital brain, but it’s analog, and there were some doubts about if it was digital delay analog-ly voiced or sth like that


    If you name it Analog Micro Synthesizer, it must be clear for potential buyers of course, as long as the marketingtalk is good, people will buy it..

    well, yes, but it would look like it’s not analog (at least people would feel that way).

    those people are stupid

    well, yes, but it would look like it’s not analog (at least people would feel that way).

    those people are stupid

    And they DO exist! :facepalm:


    And some of EHX digital pedals are now their bestsellers, while some analog pedals from EHX are overlooked..

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