Home Forums Help/Technical Questions anyone have any emails for EHX techs???

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  • #80143

    i need one….

    The EH Man


    What’s the problem?


    yeah i emailed them like 3 months ago….im having this problem with my POG 2…(something a tech would be able to figure out in probably 1 minute)…i used a POG on our recent record…and recieved a POG 2 and im trying to send a tech my settings i used on the POG to see if he/she can plug on in at the shop and tell me what settings to use on the POG 2….i have a pic of the settings and a sound clip they can go on

    The EH Man

    That doesn’t sound like a job for a tech. It sounds like something you should do yourself.


    most places tech supports are cool enough to help…i dont have a POG…i just have a POG 2 and i dont live anywhere close to my producers studio….if i had both i would def do it myself….

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