Home Forums Help/Technical Questions High Pitched sound in my Deluxe Memory Boy

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    I just got a Deluxe Memory Boy and I’ve been playing with it for a while. I really like the pedal tone and controls, but there is one big problem. Every time I enable the delay there is a very noticeable high pitched sound coming out of my amp. I have tried this pedal in two amps and the same thing happens. I have also switched guitar cables, power supplies and nothing seems to get rid of it.

    I have made a youtube video where you can hear what I am talking about.


    Do you guys think this pedal is defective?

    The EH Man

    It comes from clock noise in the delay ICs. There’s usually a balance trimpot you can adjust to minimize it but I’m not sure where it is in the DMB.


    Ah, interesting, so do you think I can open the pedal and try to adjust it?

    The EH Man
    Ah, interesting, so do you think I can open the pedal and try to adjust it?

    I wouldn’t without knowing exactly which ones to try.


    mark them all just in case


    So I think i finally figured out what is going on, and its probably a lack of understanding on how this pedal operates, but here’s what I realized.

    If I unplug (power off) the pedal and power it back on, the pedal starts with no noticeable feedback or noise. It’s only after I’ve been using it for a while, changing tempos, disabling, enabling it again, that the sound becomes “dirty” if you will. Slowly but surely this high pitched noise will start accumulating in the background, probably a byproduct of the delay and feedback feeding on each other until it becomes noticeably loud. The only way to get rid of it is by unplugging the pedal and plugging it back in.

    Is this normal for analog delays? Or is this something weird?


    Oh and another thing i noticed. If I run a distorted signal through the pedal and then I switch to a clean signal, the clean signal delay will add a slightly distorted “tint” to the delay, again, seemingly dirtying up the tone the longer I play with it, and turning the pedal off the only way to get rid of it.

    I just got a Deluxe Memory Boy and I’ve been playing with it for a while. I really like the pedal tone and controls, but there is one big problem. Every time I enable the delay there is a very noticeable high pitched sound coming out of my amp. I have tried this pedal in two amps and the same thing happens. I have also switched guitar cables, power supplies and nothing seems to get rid of it.

    I have made a youtube video where you can hear what I am talking about.


    Do you guys think this pedal is defective?

    I read all of your posts and watched the video. I think you should try reducing the setting of the FEEDBACK knob. In the video it was right at the point where it will start to runaway. The sound is getting stuck in the feedback loop, going through the filters and producing that oscillation that you hear in the video.

    Try setting FEEDBACK to the noon setting and I bet the oscillation goes away.


    Yeah, I have reduced the Feedback and it haven’t had that problem since. I guess i was initially stumped to see that even after I had bypassed the unit, the sound would come back when I engaged it again. It definitely seems like I have to be more careful with the feedback knob when I am playing around with the pedal.

    Yeah, I have reduced the Feedback and it haven’t had that problem since. I guess i was initially stumped to see that even after I had bypassed the unit, the sound would come back when I engaged it again. It definitely seems like I have to be more careful with the feedback knob when I am playing around with the pedal.

    The DXMB doesn’t kill the signal in the delay loop while in bypass, it keeps it going.

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