Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Small Clone depth pot

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    I tried to mod my Small Clone to add a depth pot and I think I’m doing something wrong. I found a site online that said to use a 10k linear pot. I’ve desoldered the switch, removed the resistor marked R27 on my board, and soldered two lugs of the pot in place. The knob goes from almost no depth to just about full very quickly and then there’s no change through the rest of the rotation. Do I need to remove additional resistors to get this mod to work or do I need to try a pot of a different taper/value?


    im sure you need to try a different pot, but unfortunately i can not suggest the proper one.


    Are you using a logaritmic or a linear pot?


    He said it’s lin. Use a reverse logaritmic instead.

    I tried to mod my Small Clone to add a depth pot and I think I’m doing something wrong. I found a site online that said to use a 10k linear pot. I’ve desoldered the switch, removed the resistor marked R27 on my board, and soldered two lugs of the pot in place. The knob goes from almost no depth to just about full very quickly and then there’s no change through the rest of the rotation. Do I need to remove additional resistors to get this mod to work or do I need to try a pot of a different taper/value?

    So…. did you work it out? We’re curious!!!

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