Home Forums Help/Technical Questions LPB-2UBE fizz: bad tube/pedal?

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  • #80052
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    i’ve had my LPB-2UBE pedal for about a year and i usually use it in with the two channels chained together, which has worked well as a clean preamp that overdrives naturally.

    recently i’ve been using it as a dual mono pre-amp, but i feel like i’m now hearing sounds with it that i don’t remember before – particularly when i have gain set moderately and i strum a clean chord there seems to be a bit of a fizzy/crackly sound right after the attack. i’ve included a sample here: http://preview.tinyurl.com/yzzoxxe

    since this is my first experience w/ a tube preamp pedal, can anyone tell me by listening to that sample whether that sounds like a problem with the tube or pedal or is this just how these tubes sound when they start to breakup?

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