Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX Tube Pedal question

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    I’m looking at getting a new amp set up for my dorm at school, and i am a huge ehx fan (user of the small stone, qtron, big muff, electric mistress, memory boy, small clone, and many more soon hopefully).

    I am looking into running some kind of preamp into the new ehx 22 calibur into a small cab as a smaller rig, and im wonder if either the LPB-2ube or the Tube EQ will be a nice fit with the 22 calibur to create a killer, ehx driven guitar tone. I’m not too familiar with either of these, so my questions are mainly is the LPB-2ube or clean preamp or an overdrive/ distortion? and is the Tube EQ more of a wah type pedal rather than a preamp?



    Try the English Muff’n – I got one yesterday and it’s great. My Orange amp doesn’t have a gain setting and it’s nice to have something more versatile than the Big Muff. The Muff’n is spot on for overdrive and distortion and the tone is superb.

    I did try a Hot Tubes but wasn’t overkeen. Couldn’t help but wonder if one of the tubes was broken – the pedal was fairly quiet even when all three level knobs were on full?!

    Will probably order some replacement tubes to play about with for the Muff’n.

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