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  • #79873

    Hey guys,

    I am having a weird problem. I am getting almost a tremolo effect through my amps on the mid frequencies. At first I thought it was one of the pedals in my chain, so I plugged strait into my Peavey Valveking 2×12. Same problem. Then I plugged into my Vox AC4TV. Same thing. I have never had this problem before. I suspect it may be the power in my house. The contractor who built it did a pretty crappy job.

    Any idea what this might be? Power issue?


    hmm a trem sound? i would think its sum type of motor in or around your house that the amp is picking up, like a dryer, a fan, or a heater with a blower fan. i think it could be sum type of rotating electro magnetic motor, look around the house.


    It was the pickups. Problem solved!


    kind of on topic, whenever I’m playing my bass, if the computer screen is on, it makes an horrible noise. Anyway, good that you have solved it.

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