Home Forums The Lounge What mods should I do to my Russian Small Stone?

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    I want to do a couple but I’ve got no clue what to do.

    Ned Flanders

    I wouldn’t bother with any personally. I don’t know how the SSS bypass is but the SBM non TB is fine. Initially I TB’d my SBM’s but then I compared it to my latest SBM with stock bypass, they sounded Identical, this got me wondering so I traced the stock bypass and discovered unlike regular non TB like on vintage EHX BM’s that the SBM’s ground the circuit while in bypass mode, hence, creating a clearer non TB and zero leakage. So I re wired all my SBM’s back to stock bypass, so the LED’s would work again.

    Other than the bypass, which I imagine could oscillate on the SSS if its bypass is like the EHX vintage SS’s I wouldnt mod it at all. If it doesn’t oscillate it probably has the same non TB set up as the SBM’s.

    I like SS’s stock, they sound great IMO.

    BUT,if you do want to mod it I know where you can get some Soviet military push button switches made in the same style as the big silver switch but much much smaller and with a reddy/maroon colored button that would fit the theme of the SSS and look really nice, better than a mini toggle. They are cool switches and I was gonna buy a heap of them but I really have no use for them TBH.


    I’m not so much interested in those sort of mods. I might do the volume mod, I don’t know.

    I just put in Carrier in/VCO out jacks on my Frequency Analyzer and a switchable cap for the timer on the VCO so that I could get a lower range and hence tremolo. Then I added Sine and Square on/off switches. The square is pretty awesome, though I need to attenuate it, it clips quite a bit.

    So basically more esoteric mods.

    Ned Flanders

    IMO the SS makes a very poor vibrato so I wouldnt make any permanent changes if trying this mod.

    Basically, the only pedals I mod is fuzz and distortion, I have always liked my modulation stock so dont know of any interesting mods for such pedals.


    Well I wouldn’t make any permanent mods, just switchable ones. I can switch my frequency analyzer to be stock by just flipping a couple switches, and that’s what I was thinking with the SS.

    Ned Flanders

    Nah, all I meant drilling enclosures for switches before testing the mods out etc.LOL


    hey Liberty Belle, i make my own pedals and those switches sound sweet, where could i check them out?

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