Home Forums Tips, Tricks, Clips, and Pics Clips: Big Muff with Tone Wicker + HOG + Modified Frequency Analyzer.

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    The mod I did on the frequency analyzer was to add a carrier in. A carrier in lets you replace the internal oscillator with any audio source.

    I’ve found a lot of cool tricks with it. What I did in these clips was to plug the dry out of the HOG into the carrier in on the ring mod.

    There’s a significant volume drop (since the internal sound source is supposed to be line level) so I make up for it with significant amounts of fuzz. With the HOG off I get Green Ringer/Octavia like fuzz with a Big Muff.

    With the HOG on I get all sorts of interesting tracking ring mod effects.

    Later I plug the dry out of the frequency analyzer into the carrier in which for some reason creates a different effect. In this part I use no big muff, and all the gain is created by the frequency analyzer itself. One would assume that you’d get octave, but you don’t. However when turning the HOG on, some of the ring modulations on different voices work and some don’t. It’s very strange.


    For that sound I had the HOG putting out a 5th. So I was ring modding my guitar vs the 5th of my guitar, which outputted a very very fat suboctave from the frequency analyzer.

    I’ve since opened my frequency analyzer up and done a couple other mods that are also great fun and will probably do a couple more.

    bill ruppert

    Cool stuff Julian!!

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