Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Question(s) on E-H pedals that have a Expression Pedal Input

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    :rawk: :doh: :poke:


    Will (try) to keep on track and to the point.. Example the E-H Deluxe Memory Boy or The Memory Boy

    (to stay with E-H) they both have expression pedal inputs and I have read on the net and have only

    gotten more confused as to what type of pedal to use .. Volume, a true expression pedal and then

    it gets in to low impedence versus high impedence (my guitars have passive pick ups , I have a Line

    6 Variax 500 and that has hexaphonic pick ups , I also read about cable issue’s (Using a Y cable

    with a 1/4 TRS at one end with the Y out being two 1/4 mono cables, and in a pedal chain how would

    the cable set up fit in (I would imagine in line with the effect with the expression pedal input

    and I have not yet bought either of the above but have a SMMH (without a expression pedal input)

    but have a Boss SL-20 Slicer that does , so if I were to purchase the above SMB pr MB and used

    expression pedals on each (Boss Slicer and a E-H DMB where and how is that set up ??, my amp does

    have a effects loop if that has any relevance at all.

    I plan (i think ) to get the E-H Cathedral Reverb first but am looking ahead and current as well

    regrading the expression pedal (ideas on Brands, Types (impedence) and models would be so very

    helpful!! *I feel stupid not knowing this stuff, I do have a sustain pedal for a M-Audio midi

    controller and bought at closeout a M-Audio Black box with floor board (pedal) and 2 wires for 2

    presets and a wire (all 1/4 mono) to connect to the M-Audio Black Box ? would this “possibly work

    the manual is very vague.Not sure if that pedal board is a option with my current gear (The Black

    Box Yes) but ?? with E-H effects with expression pedals or other brands (such as The Boss Slicer

    or other Brands like Moog etc. Peace

    Many Thanks!


    :rawk: :doh: 🙄 :freak: :)



    The EH stuff I have works with 10k ohm expression pedals. This expression pedal has a 100k ohm sweep, but can be adjusted to 10k ohm.


    :rawk: :)


    Thanks for the info , I checked out the link you posted , it looks like just what I need and it

    was clearly explained as well, checked out some of the online dealers looks like its around $40.00

    most places, ? how long have You had your Moog EP-2 pedal ? and any issues, (one review on MF really

    bashed it ) though the rest I read said it was great. The “unsatisfied person complained about a

    string between the expression pedal itself and the base (if I am quoting that post correct) there

    will always be some one that will find fault with a product . Thanks Again for reading my post

    and relying so fast !

    :rawk: :poke:



    I don’t have one actually. I have the plastic M-Audio that came with my HOG and a crappy Zoom one that someone gave me.

    It’s just a word of mouth thing. People I trust swear by it, say it’s really sturdily built and works really well.


    Just the HOG.

    It’s OK, but it is plastic, making it a bit prone to breaking. I’m careful with mine though the potentiometer has popped off the shaft a couple of times and I had to physically reset it.


    Do the Boss FV500 pedals work as expression pedals for the EHX effects?

    bill ruppert


    Do the Boss FV500 pedals work as expression pedals for the EHX effects?



    I have been behind checking and posting I really appreciate the input, I have seen a (few) shops

    bundle a M-Audio expression pedal with a Hog (? Steve’s Music in New York state if I a correct

    (sorry Steve if I am wrong) and a few others.

    I am still tossing the models around , I saw (though have never used a Rockron product) two or


    expression pedals they sell The Utopia and The Nex or Hex (I think its Nex) NIN had one of theirs


    eBay recently. (they sell for $89-$99 dollars ) I will compare the M-Audio one You mentioned to the

    one I have (as far as ins and outs and impedence as well as the Black Box Foot Controller unit that

    (came with a M-Audio Black Box that I bought on deep discount, I am going to have repeat left knee

    surgery (tore a medial meniscus (again) did so in 2008 (both of the meniscus then) so I will not be

    playing for bit (though can read some gear catalogs and magazines , last time in 2008 I also had a

    chondroplasty (to shave clean arthritic areas) and two microgractures where the Dr using a surgical

    awl poked 10-12 holes on both sides of my left kneecap and when the blood dried, or congealed in

    theory it would be fibrous cartlige (I don;t think that procedure worked (and he never discussed the

    remote possibility that it might be done so I came to with a thigh to ankle brace which as on for 8

    weeks and I was on bedrest and non weight bearing for 8 weeks as well (except for physical therapy)

    * A Different Orthopedic Surgeon will be operating on my knee this time March 1st

    Not sure what post op I can do but as soon as I can get out of bed and use my eMac computer I will!


    :poke: :rawk: :doh: :D :thumb: :metal: :rawk: :worried:


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