Home Forums Ideas / Suggestions / Feedback The Worm….Where should i place it?

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    ok i got the new version of the worm and and expression pedal coming in the mail soon.
    below you can see my current chain of pedals on my board.
    im asking for suggestions as to where to place it.
    im thinking sum where before the compressor, as i will use it a lot in the mod wah setting.
    and im not to worried about where it is in the chain when it comes to the phaser, as i have a V1 small stone i plan to use mostly. but phase in different spots is always nice, you can see i have chorus in 3 places.

    any ideas?


    oh, cmon……sum one has to have a bit of input here.

    i know i should have sum idea of my own, and i do, but i value other opinions and consider other point of views!


    That chain is OUTRAGEOUS 😆 :thumb:

    If you only plan to use the Mod Wah, then it would make sense to put it after your wah, and before compression.

    However, I personally like the sound of filters after fuzz so that the sweep is really dramatic.

    Another consideration – do you have the original box or the XO?

    The original box version has terrible headroom, much like the old DMM. I have to keep it after compression to keep it from clipping.

    The XO version fixed that problem, IIRC.


    it is the newer XO version, i prefer classic or vintage before i buy the modern reissues but i had to go that rout this time, because the new one has the expression pedal jack, and a slightly better tone and less noise.

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