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    Well, there is that topic that says “what are you listening right now?” I came with another different idea, that you may like or not and is “artists you recommend” in which we post underrated/unknown artists that are worth a listen. So if you’ll post, for example, Revolver by The Beatles, it’s not going to contribute at all, because as good as it can be, it’s a known album and band. TL;DR: Post good songs/albums/bands that are unknown, so everyone can expand his/her music library and knowledge.

    I’ll start with Sumo, a band from Argentina, it’s kind of reggae, with most lyrics on English, so you’ll understand pretty much. Luca Prodan, the singer, did an excellent job, as well as the other band members. Here’s a link that kind of explains what they did.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumo_(band) (Don’t click on the link, it’s broken. Copy and paste it with the parenthesis).


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpdLedFl–8 Heroin
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnJbBkUMpFQ Reggae de paz y amor

    Hope you like it, and keep this up :)


    well there are tons of bands that i listen to that people here have probably never heard of.

    Dot Hacker http://www.myspace.com/dothackerband

    The Dangerous Summer http://www.myspace.com/dangeroussummer

    Anthony Green http://www.myspace.com/anthonygreen don’t listen to the remixes, just the album versions

    there are a lot more, but i don’t feel like posting a million bands at one time .


    Dot hacker seemed like a pretty good band. I didn’t like the dangerous summer and anthony green needs another listen.

    Another band that I like is Polaris, that performed most of the songs at the adventures of pete & pete.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj9pFcUof7c Hey Sandy
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFQHys7NXO8 Summerbaby
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_SYFx92-QM Coronado II

    Really underrated imo.


    P-model, Japanese post-punk

    It’s got a very Devo vibe but seems to have some Krautrock influence too. I’d say they’re a bit punkier too.

    Here’s a video of them on youtube:


    3RA1N1AC (commonly spelled brainiac)

    Aggressive, bratty, discordant 90s rock that is sort of in the spirit of bands like Pussy Galore, but with electronics and effects and a heavy glam and early DEVO influence. I’d also compare them to Archers of Loaf, but more mean and raw sounding. They use a lot of synths but not in the typical power pop or new wave type ways, more like early DEVO where the synths are very discordant and atonal. Their guitars are very angular in quite an awesome way. They’ve got some great 90s rock hooks too. Unfortunately their lead singer

    Hot Metal Dobermans puts the vocals through some really weird effects:

    Smack Baby Bunny is very energetic, I love that opening:

    I, Fuzzbot is just pure awesome raw aggression. I love the chorus, really catchy. Supersonic hot rod brain machine.

    Fresh New Eyes- this is one of their more electronic numbers, though the quality of this video’s audio is pretty rough. What’s really great about it is how the electronic drums and the vocals drive it and the other instruments are rather disjointed:

    Vincent Come On Down:

    Cracked Machine- some bratty bratty vocoding:


    BTW I love Polaris Sanquiflerb. Have you ever listened to Game Theory? They’re really awesome.

    BTW I love Polaris Sanquiflerb. Have you ever listened to Game Theory? They’re really awesome.

    Not at all; have they got a similar style?


    Game Theory are a bit less subtle than Polaris, but they’re part of that whole 80s jangle thing that I think Polaris drew a lot of influence from.


    how about that:


    and one of my absolute favorite at the moment: autolux!
    absolutely amazing guitar sound and fx! think “piper…”

    best regards


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