Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Big muff mods please help

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    Hey I’m Jeff and new to the forum.

    I bought a big muff pi USA reissue and had a question regarding the tone stack mod found on your forum; there is a picture posted showing a rev a board. I have a rev c board that features the 10 nf cap at c8; I was woundering if that was the second cap shown in the picture as I can clearly see c9. Also the caps are ceramic disks the caps I picked up for the mod are I believe poly film will my 10 nf poly make much difference?

    Thanks, Jeff.

    Ned Flanders

    Forget about the designators like C9 etc on the revision A board, they don’t apply to the revision C board as the rev C PCB had different designators.

    Tell me what mod you want to do and I can help you out with your revision C board.

    BTW, the 10nF cap is the one that has 103 printed on it. Cap type will make no difference.


    The mod I’m Planing on doing is the NYC three way tone switch.
    I just realized I didn’t link to the photo of the mod ha! Anyways here it is
    http://i1016.photobucket.com/albums/af286/fenderamerica/Pedal Schematics/NYCEC3003-A3WAYTONESWITCH.png

    What I’m assuming is the tone section is the same on paper just laid out differently and different values.


    Ned Flanders

    Give me some time and I’ll make a little diagram of what to do on the Rev C PCB. Its exactly the same mod,parts etc, just different connection points as far as designators go.


    Great thanks!

    Ned Flanders

    That is quite awsome!!

    Thank you.

    Ned Flanders

    No problem!


    Thought I’d jump in here…

    Brian Wampler wrote an article on the black Russian Muff here:


    I was interested in trying out some of these mods. I didn’t want to chop up my beloved 3003 rev_E muff, so I bought another used in order to experiment.

    However, very few of the values match up. Is there an NYC 3003 Rev_E schematic you could post? I’m trying to trace it out myself, and I’m worried I’m going to ruin my pedal.


    Also, is this switch supposed to be in parallel with the existing caps?

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