Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Memory Boy Depth Problem

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  • #79755

    I have recently bought a Memory Boy and love it… EXCEPT the fact that when the modulation is on it sounds like the pitch of the echo is going up and down. Is it supposed to sound like this? If so I just don’t understand why someone would find that to be pleasing… Also if I turn the feedback anywhere past twelve it self-ocilates itself into some really nasty feedback.

    I already have a basic understanding what each of the knobs do, (Except the depth knob still perplexes me…) and I also have read many other posts pertaining to the Memory Boy. So I have an idea of some of the things that could be wrong… the power adapter, the trimmed pots… etc.

    I would hate to have to return it because I really like it. I just need to know if the depth knob is working correctly… (Is it supposed to make the echoed pitch go up and down? Also is the feedback supposed to be so touchy?). I only have a few weeks before the thirty-day return policy is void. So I need to know ASAP.

    Thanks in advance!

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