Home Forums Help/Technical Questions EHX HOG – Noise Question

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  • #79745

    Hi everyone !

    I just got my HOG. yeeeehhaaaa !

    But i think i got a little problem:

    When my guitar is turned down – i still can recognize the different voices through my amp (every voice is turned full up), of course this is caused by the general slight hum in my effects chain (8 pedals serveral power supplies..). Seems normal …

    BUT! Unfortunately it is still there – when i simply connect my hog between my guitar & amp without any other pedals in my signal chain. I have to add that it is only really recognizable when i push all the sliders fully up. but it is there. and i can even modulate it while adjusting the “filter” slider.

    is this somehow normal and i am just freaking out ? or do i have a serious problem with my hog ?

    should the hog be deadly quiet – when the guitar is turned down ?
    what are your experiences concerning the noisyness of the HOG ?

    thank you very much for any help !



    Remember, EHX pedals do not have FAULTS, they are all FEATURES that EHX brainiacs add in without telling us we get to discover all sorts of great stuff.
    Having said that……if you notice that you get some noise when all the sliders are full up………….don’t set all the sliders full up………

    BTW, I have one on it’s way & I’ll have a listen when I get it but it’s possible that with all the sliders full up you may just be getting noise from the electronics or even some slight self-ocillilating going on.

    To add to this I now have my HOG & I have noticed some noise depending on what’s going into it & how much all the sliders are turned up. Like anything, if you turn it up to 11 it gets noisey.


    Try this: Plug the HOG into your amp but don’t put anything before it. If it makes noise, could be the PS or the electronics. Maybe your cables are a bit noisy and the hog takes that as input signal.


    Mine’s dead silent. Could be a bad cable.


    Yeah I noticed this too. I just assume it is the power supply. Eventually I’ll end up getting a power conditioner.

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