Home Forums The Lounge Roland AF-60 Bee Gee?

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    Anyone ever heard of these or know anything about them? I am trading a cheap Chinese LP copy on craigslist for a DOD OD-Preamp 250, and old(don’t know how old) MXR Phase 90 and this pedal(from the 70’s). I can’t find much info about them other than what they are and when they are from. There are a couple of youtube vids of it, but I would like to know how they are regarded. Any info would be great.



    A cheap LP copy for those….. sound a flippin’ good deal to me, is the dod250 an old one too?

    Those old roland pedals are really cool … I know one thing and that’s the fact they are pretty rare, probably worth a couple of hundred dollars at a guess. The dod about the same if it’s an old one, a 70’s Phase 90 is worth a fair bit too…. that’s an excellent haul. :)


    The cool part is the original trade that got me the LP copy. I traded my Dean acoustic for a Fender Toronado and the LP. The Dean cost me $350 new a few years ago. The Toronado alone should bring at least that now, plus this LP. I am pretty stoked. If they are all vintage, then I’m sure I can get quite a bit for them and finally fund a Rams head or Triangle muff!!!


    HOLY CRAP!!!


    The pots on the Phase 90 read 137…77!!!

    The DOD, I can’t tell yet, but I will find an age. By the looks of the inside, it is the first yellow version!

    All of this was traded for this:


    A Manito Les Paul Copy!!!

    The best part is they all work and sound AMAZING!!!


    Correction…it is a Phase 45.


    ok i see the “bee gee” but what type of effect is it?


    The Bee Gee is an old Fuzz! Sounds pretty darn good too.


    damn that green LP looks wicked :)

    anyway… congrats! some clips would be awesome :metal:


    Sorry, I don’t have anything to record with. My camera distorts too quickly to catch any kind of sound from my amp. Here are some youtube vids that aren’t mine.



    The Bee Gee is the forgotten ugly little sister of the Bee Baa AF-100 and the Double Beat AD-50. Less low end than the other two, or something truly evil like an AceTone FM2 or 3. More like a Tone Bendery kinda sound than the all out nuclear assault of its big sisters. That said, they do have a following and you scored pretty well: you got rid of that fugly guitar and got a 1977 Phase 45 and a BeeGee…:D
    Excellent. Congratulations on a good find.


    Thanks! I’m pretty happy about it. The DOD 250 is actually really good sounding. I can’t find a date on it, but from the materials used on the inside and the font on the front, it is a first issue yellow. They are pulling some decent pennies too. I am conflicted though. They sound great with my rig. I don’t really want to flip them like I originally planned.

    Correction…it is a Phase 45.

    a script phase 45???? very very nice..

    you want to get an MXR knob on that


    and the 250 should have these


    …if you want them to look original, if not don’t worry about it. ;)

    I don’t really want to flip them like I originally planned.

    to be honest I’m really happy top hear that. :)


    Yeah, I am going to try to get proper knobs for both the MXR and the DOD.

    I even told the guy that his pedals are worth more than the guitar. He is an older gentleman and he told me that “pedals are for young guys who will eventually find the right amp and guitar and realize that pedals are not necessary”, and that “the pedals are worth nothing to me.” He said he got the better deal by getting a quality guitar to use as a back up to his original 60’s Gibson Les Paul without spending any money.

    I’m glad he is happy with the trade because I am ECSTATIC!!!


    So, the Phase 45 cuts out on occasion, until I touch the jacks. Must be a grounding issue of some sort. Maybe that’s why there is duct tape on the inside cover and some gauze around the board. It’s a shame. I may have to send it out for repair, because this thing is slowly earning a spot next to my Small Stone. As far as the knobs go, the new MXR knobs don’t fit. The shaft is too thick.

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