Home Forums Vintage EHX I need help on hookig up electro harmonix golden throat deluxe?

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    Hi i just got a electro harmonix golden throat deluxe and i need some instructions on how to hook it up.I know how to hook up regular talk boxes. But this one is different it has a built in preamp.And on the left hand side of the talk box it has a input jack for the input and it also on the left hand side of the talk box it has ext.amp plugin to.I am not sure if you plug the guitar in the top plug or the bottom plug on the left hand side. And on the right hand side it say’s monitor and it has a plugin for that to.So i am guessing that you would still have to use a pa for the mic or not?I am new to these talk box’s with built in preamp’s.This talk box is way different than a regular one.Can some help me figure this out.thanks :angry:

    Ned Flanders

    I haven’t had the privileged of using one but Ron (TheEHMan) has I’m sure, he’ll see this thread eventually.

    The EH Man

    You’ll still need a microphone for the full effect but you don’t need an external amp. Hook it up just like a pedal: Plug your guitar into the INPUT and your amp into the EXT.AMP, if you want your clean signal to pass through to the amp.


    yeah they’re like a talk box and apparantly weigh a ton


    Thank you EH Man for giving me instructions on how to use this.I can’t wait to get started. :thumb:

    yeah they’re like a talk box and apparantly weigh a ton

    Yeah the deluxe weighs the most it feels like. It weighs at least 15 to 20 pounds i am guessing.I had the original golden throat pedal and that one felt like it weighed at 7or 8 pounds.they are pretty heavy.

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