Home Forums The Lounge To work with developing guitar effects – education?

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    Hello, this is my first time posting in this forum.

    I’m a 17 years old boy studying natural sciences at “gymnasiet” – which is pretty much equivalent to high school – and I’m pretty much bound to study at a university level. Thing is, I’m very interested in music, guitars and guitar effects and I wouldn’t mind working in those fields.

    So, my question is… What should I study if I want to work with developing guitar effects, guitar gear etc.? Would a guitar gear company like Electro-Harmonix be interested in hiring someone with a master’s degree in electro engineering? Or, what kind of education would be desired? Is a science education even interesting at all?



    I’m sure electrical engineering would be the way to go, but also experience with building and designing pedals. Here is a good place to start:


    Ned Flanders

    Electronic Engineering! But you should get into DIY pedal building first to see if its really want you want to do. Build a heap of pedals, learn the necessities then start designing your own effects loosely based on other circuits. if you’re still interested, go for it.


    Thanks a lot for your response and thanks for the link, firesgt911! I will definitely order something from there as soon as I get some money.

    I can also add that I’m not sure if this is something that I want to work with, but I like the idea that the door is open if I study electronic engineering, which I’ve been thinking of doing for a while anyway.

    Again, thank you.

    / Sueisfine

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