Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Pedalboard signal chain for HOG etc

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  • #79643

    Hey there. Just pondering whether i have got my hog placed correctly in my signal chain. im currently setup as follows:

    compressor->metal muff
    metal muff->fender fuzzwah
    HOG->synth wah
    synth wah->noise supressor (im going to rearrange my pedalboard and put all the previous effects through the effects loop section of the noise supressor)

    then in my effects loop i have got:
    small stone->boss ce5 chorus
    chorus->stereo memory man with hazarai

    i was wondering if anyone here has used their hog in the effects loop at all? im waiting for my eventide pitchfactor to arrive in th epost and wondering whethere to put that and the HOG into the effects loop or elave them early on in the signal chain, whart do you reckon?

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