Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Couple questions about powering the memory boy

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    1. When the battery is dieing on the memory boy do you get wierd modulations? Battery is pretty new I’d say less then three hours play time.
    2. Any one tried powering the memory boy through the SKB Stage 5 pedal board? I’ve heard it has issues outside of it’s own power suply, but I hear it does well if it’s highend stuff and not just a 1 spot..
    3. Any one slapped a battey connector/converter on it and powered it that way?

    I’m not getting enough playing time with the battery. I don’t really want to run it’s own included power suply once I pick up a pedal board.


    yea i just got my memory boy today and found out that if i use anything but the power suply it came with it constantly had modulation on my tone even when the depth knob was allthe way down. i was so close to returning it untill i plugged it in to the original adaptor then there was beautifull tone for days, actually for like 450 ms…i cant seem to get the delay time any higher

    1. When the battery is dieing on the memory boy do you get wierd modulations? Battery is pretty new I’d say less then three hours play time.
    2. Any one tried powering the memory boy through the SKB Stage 5 pedal board? I’ve heard it has issues outside of it’s own power suply, but I hear it does well if it’s highend stuff and not just a 1 spot..
    3. Any one slapped a battey connector/converter on it and powered it that way?

    I’m not getting enough playing time with the battery. I don’t really want to run it’s own included power suply once I pick up a pedal board.

    …delays are notorious for eating batteries (I used to own a delay that would kill them in less than an hour!) …and the other problem with delays is as soon as the battery starts to drain you aren’t getting the full 9v which isn’t too bad on a fuzz but on a delay it’s not so great, I would suggest only using a battery in an emergency.

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