Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Replacement faders for POG2

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  • #79542

    Hey all,

    two faders on my brand new Pog2 broke off :(
    I had it in a case on a bike (I’m Dutch) and I probably hit a bump in the road or something.

    Anyway, I more or less repaired it by placing 2mm screws in the slider. But i prefer to get some new faders.

    Does anyone know what type/values are used for the faders?




    You won’t get any clue here…Same thing happened to me a few months ago and i tried to get the replacements….NOWHERE!!! I ended up buying a fader that didn’t work…mine are still broken.


    http://newsensor.com/ProductHighLight.aspx?ProId=885 these are from the manufacturer for ehx themselves. this is specifically for the microsynth so the only problem would be that they might not be the correct value.

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