Home Forums Vintage EHX v6 BIG MUFF? any followers of this version?

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    im new to the muff. i was seriously thinking of buying one soon. id really love to find a v4 or v5 opamp version but i was lucky enough to come accross a really nice v6 big muff 3034 the other day for a decent price and it sounded really lovely for chords. i was wondering if any of you muff guys knew if there was any bad mojo behind the v6 models or any opinions??


    no, no bad mojo… :D

    If you think it sounds lovely buy it!


    Wow that pedal is amazing. One year during a hard snow storm, my front door became frozen in ice and would not open. I placed my half stack by the door and turned it up to 10!, I took that V6 and shredded and eventually the door just opened on its own. That thing will melt your face!


    that is the biggest piece of crap ever!!! Its vintage bullsh*t, your life will be destroyed by the landskeeper if you buy this!!!!

    The EH Man
    that is the biggest piece of crap ever!!! Its vintage bullsh*t, your life will be destroyed by the landskeeper if you buy this!!!!

    First post? Not off to a good start….


    hey its the worst of all the vintage muffs for that time so what else can really be said???

    The EH Man

    Sound is a matter of opinion. I don’t like triangle-knob Muffs with .1 caps but there are a lot of people who do like them.

    A warning: you are in danger of being banned for your attitude. This is a respectable forum and we all try to offer help and constructive criticism here. If you don’t like that particular unit, you are free to say so but do it in a civil manner and offer some reasons as to your opinions.


    no attitude just tring to speak the truth and not to just promote it because its a ehx product arent forums mostly opinion anyways???

    The EH Man
    no attitude just tring to speak the truth and not to just promote it because its a ehx product arent forums mostly opinion anyways???

    Yes, but in the future do so in a civil and respectable manner.

    im new to the muff. i was seriously thinking of buying one soon. id really love to find a v4 or v5 opamp version but i was lucky enough to come accross a really nice v6 big muff 3034 the other day for a decent price and it sounded really lovely for chords. i was wondering if any of you muff guys knew if there was any bad mojo behind the v6 models or any opinions??

    The two I have sound OK. Not as nice sounding as any of the three V3 Muffs I have, but the sound will vary from unit to unit. One V6 may sound better than another. I have some info on V6 Muffs here. The op-amp V4/V5 sound similar for chords, but not quite the same as the transistor versions. Whether you would like the V4/V5 better really depends on what kind of music you like to play with it.

    that is the biggest piece of crap ever!!! Its vintage bullsh*t, your life will be destroyed by the landskeeper if you buy this!!!!

    Perhaps you owned a bad one? They really don’t sound “that” different from the V3 Muffs.


    i was surprised how good it sounded but i was looking for the Corgan sound honestly. but ive never seen a vintage muff and was REALLy tempted.


    I have been jamming on some Pumpkins stuff through my V3 and V4 Muffs recently. The V4 really nails the Siamese Dream sound better in my opinion, but the V3 or V6 Muffs just seem to cut through a mix better if you are playing with a band. Most people would not notice a huge difference if I played some SD stuff with those Muffs side by side though. They all three version sound really good for that tone.


    awesome, thank you. i havent been able to even locate a v4 or v5 muff let alone a v3. i really wanted to try out that huge crazy sound i heard the v5’s have with the tone bypass.


    Billy’s Muff did not have the tone bypass, and you don’t get his sound with the tone circuit bypassed. He had his tone set around 1:00 on the V4, though it sounds more like 11:00 on a typical V3 or V6. I don’t get much use out of the bypass, but it does make a huge sound when you use it!

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