Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Help on: what type of power supply to daisy all my EH pedals together or what pedal board to use for my EH pedals

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    Seeking Help: what type of power supply to used to daisy all my EH pedals(example Voodoo 2+ power supply) Not sure which would be the right and best investment.

    or what the best type of pedal board for my EH pedals

    pedals I have Soul Preacher,small clone,big muff,

    will be buying memory man, cathedral


    what pedals do you have? that will probably change the answer a fair bit as to what power supply would be best..

    Seeking Help: what type of power supply to used to daisy all my EH pedals(example Voodoo 2+ power supply) Not sure which would be the right and best investment.

    or what the best type of pedal board for my EH pedals

    pedals I have Soul Preacher,small clone,big muff,

    will be buying memory man, cathedral for now

    what pedals do you have? that will probably change the answer a fair bit as to what power supply would be best..

    soul preacher,small clone big muff but will be buying othe pedals like momery man and cathedral


    I will recommend the Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+ to anyone, it’s a great product. I power everything except for my Frequency Analyzer with it (though its adapter is plugged into the courtesy outlet.)

    You can power any 9vdc pedal, 24vdc pedal, 12vdc pedal, or 18vdc pedal with it with no noise.

    The Cathedral will need a high current 9v out, which the PP2+ supplies. And for the Memory Man (I’m assuming deluxe?) you can get a special cable to get 24v.

    Pedalboards- I suggest you make your own. Some old bed slats or 2x4s and some properly sized screws you can make a grid pattern, then paint or stain it. You can put a couple extra at the back to lean it- then mount a PP2+ underneath, and mount all the pedals on top. I use mounting brackets to mount my pedals, but you can also use velcro. In case of velcro, you can use aluminum construction (which is lighter.) Pedaltrain boards are supposed to be really good. Personally I hate velcro. Gets the back of your pedals gross, the velcro never seems to hold and always comes off, and just keeps your pedals too loosely on the board.


    I return and Julian has sorted you out :) …. as a long term investment the PP2+ is a great unit. There isn’t really anything better around. I don’t use one personally because I don’t use a large fixed board set up, but if I did I’d probably invest.

    I will recommend the Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2+ to anyone, it’s a great product. I power everything except for my Frequency Analyzer with it (though its adapter is plugged into the courtesy outlet.)

    You can power any 9vdc pedal, 24vdc pedal, 12vdc pedal, or 18vdc pedal with it with no noise.

    The Cathedral will need a high current 9v out, which the PP2+ supplies. And for the Memory Man (I’m assuming deluxe?) you can get a special cable to get 24v.

    Pedalboards- I suggest you make your own. Some old bed slats or 2x4s and some properly sized screws you can make a grid pattern, then paint or stain it. You can put a couple extra at the back to lean it- then mount a PP2+ underneath, and mount all the pedals on top. I use mounting brackets to mount my pedals, but you can also use velcro. In case of velcro, you can use aluminum construction (which is lighter.) Pedaltrain boards are supposed to be really good. Personally I hate velcro. Gets the back of your pedals gross, the velcro never seems to hold and always comes off, and just keeps your pedals too loosely on the board.

    I second Julian’s take on the PP2+, well worth the investment, I use it myself. As a Pedaltrain user, I have to disagree with him about velcro, though. It works great for me, pedals are firmly stuck on the board and everything’s really neat and easy to rearrange if need be. More question of taste, I guess.


    I have a similar question that i’d like to jump on the back of this debate :)

    I have just bought a small stone for my pedal board.

    The power input socket on the back is different to all other pedals i have and so i can’t power it from my power pack.

    What size / type of input should the adapter be? I want to see if i can find an adapter from my power pack to the pedal.

    Thanks chaps.


    I think you need one of these.


    or something similar



    I’ll check it out.


    Thanks for you help..it has given me the direction i needed.


    I just bought a used Holy Grail. Love the sound, BUT… I was not aware of the electrical issues. It did not come with the EHX wall-wart, but the buyer included the 3.5mm adapter. I plugged it into my Gator pedal board and was greeted with that high-pitched whine, whether the pedal was on or off.

    Is the only solution to get the EHX wall wart? If so, where are they sold?


    I just bought a used Holy Grail. Love the sound, BUT… I was not aware of the electrical issues. It did not come with the EHX wall-wart, but the buyer included the 3.5mm adapter. I plugged it into my Gator pedal board and was greeted with that high-pitched whine, whether the pedal was on or off.

    Is the only solution to get the EHX wall wart? If so, where are they sold?


    the EHX PSU’s are available from a number of places, what country do live in?


    I live in the US, about 2 miles from Guitar Center.

    Are you saying this is the only solution?


    No, but without knowing the specs of the gator board power and the other effects you have plugged into it it’s difficult to say where the issue is, it could be a lack of power from the gator or another pedal the grail is ‘chained’ with that causing the problem.

    Tell us everything about the set up and i’m sure someone will be able to pinpoint the problem and let you know if it’s possible to do anything about it.

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