Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Hum Debugger?

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    Does any one have one that can answer this for the rest of the class?

    What does it do to your tone when engaged?

    Normal setting?

    Strong setting?

    Will it get rid of white noise caused by my chain of effects pedals?

    My setup thus far:

    Amp – POG2 – LBM – Germanium OD – Boss DM3 – Guitar

    The more times I watch the hum debugger video, I start to hear things.



    It makes it sound a little ‘spacey’ it’s the only way I can describe it… most noticable in ‘strong’ setting with a clean guitar sound, not really noticable on ‘normal’ with distortion.

    …and no it won’t get rid of white noise from pedals, it works best on guitar single coil buzz and other interference type hum.

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