Home Forums Vintage EHX Weird vintage micro synth. Can anyone tell me about it?

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    Here’s a micro synth I just received from an eBay order:


    Sorry for the blurriness – bad lighting conditions, and I didn’t want to use the flash. But, I’ll tell you what’s weird:

    1. Input/output on right instead of left
    2. Guitar/Octave/Sub Octave are in different order, and “Distortion” instead of Square wave
    3. The “Micro Synthesizer” type is smaller
    4. 2 prong plug, so I assume it’s an earlier model

    The pedal seems to be in great shape, aside from some signs of age. It sounds awesome. I’ve just never seen one like this, and I guess I sort of stumbled upon it by accident. I was just looking for an “older body style” MS, cos I’m not a huge fan of the new look. If anybody knows what the story is on this thing, I’d love to hear it.

    The EH Man

    I believe those are the 1st version of the vintage Microsynth. It also has the transformer mounted on the underside of the top, which is the 2 screws on the upper left. I have one of these as well.

    If you look through the slots on the top you may be able to see the pot codes on the sliders.


    I have one of those too. It’s a bit noisier than the reisssue, but it still sounds fantastic. Like mine, yours appears to be in really great condition.


    Also, that version is featured in the 1979 EH Catalog both inside and on the back with the “Enter Infinity” advertisement.


    Yeah, it’s in pretty fantastic shape, just a couple of tiny scuffs on the front silkscreen and one slider cap missing. I can’t see the pot codes.

    I don’t have a newer model to A/B with it, but if this one’s got a little more raunch, I’m all the more happy. I specifically bought it for the nasty, filtered lead tone. I’m not a huge fan of OK Go, but this song has a great MS solo right after the first chorus that’s exactly what I’m aiming for:


    Not to mention all of the other sweet things it can do, of course!

    Thanks for the help!


    That’s a great song, and a great solo tone!

    I’ve only heard “Here It Goes Again” (awesome video), but now that you’ve introduced me to another cool song by them, I might just have to download some of their albums.


    Ya know, I’ll also agree that it’s a great song, but I guess it’s the lyrics that kinda turn me off. They just seem preachy. As far as everything else goes (song structure/production), it’s pretty awesome. Nothing like a good zipper fuzz guitar solo.


    The control ciruitry in the original Microsynth was simplified slightly in the Mk II issue.


    Hi! Have anyone used this version with bass??

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