Home Forums Help/Technical Questions DEAD BATTERY

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    I just got myself a Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker. I was trying to get the bottom off to inspect the battery compartment. The screws were in SO tight that I stripped the philips head of two of them trying to unscrew them. I can’t get into the pedal now. Turns out there is a battery installed, but eventually it is going to run out of juice. I’ll have to start using a power supply (Remember I can’t get in to change the battery.)

    Here is my question: Is there any danger of ruining the pedal with a dead battery installed pretty much forever (if the pedal lasts that long!)?

    Thanks a lot in advance for responding.


    Use a dremel and drill out the stripped screws?
    Batteries do sometimes leak (although I haven’t seen one do so in years…are they getting better or am I just better at remembering about them?) and you don’t want it to do that inside your pedal.
    Anyway, that’s what I’d do — drill that sucker out of there. Then, maybe bung some wd40 in the screwhole when you replace it.


    Just a word of warning to everyone, those screw heads are easily stripped if you aren’t careful…. I suspect they are done up by an electric scewdriver at the factory so they are gonna be tight… firstly make sure you use the right size scewdriver. (a nice snug fit, too big or too small and you are gonna have problems) In my experience it’s usually a little larger than you might imagine….. Don’t use an electric screwdriver and just gently put some pressure on the screws until they loosen… if the screwdriver slips in the head, use a different screwdriver size …. don’t keep trying until the head is damaged.

    anyway…to the op, it would be best to get the battery out, but if it’s gonna be a lot of trouble I wouldn’t worry too much if you use a power supply there shouldn’t be any drain on the battery and big muffs don’t draw a lot of power anyway.. I’d imagine it would take literally years before the battery was in any danger of leaking.


    I stripped the screws on my little big muff. I drilled them out and replaced them with harder screws. Now it’s good. The stock screws are kinda soft.


    Ok. Thanks a lot guys. I’m going to take the pedal to my local hardware store and try to get them drilled out. If not, poster@sovtek.com emailed me and suggested I send the pedal back to EHX for replacement of the screws. But thanks again for your ideas.

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