Home Forums Help/Technical Questions Hog won’t recognize expression pedal. HELP!

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    So I bought a hog a few weeks ago on craigslist and I love it! It didn’t come with the m-audio expression pedal because the previous owner said it had crapped out on him at some point. So I bought a moog ep-2 off of eBay and everything worked great!

    Then, I decided to upgrade my pedalboard to accommodate the new addtions(I bought a few new pedals recently). I decided to power everything with a one spot combo pack, which comes with multiple attatchments so that it can power almost any pedal. I used an attatchments on the daisy chain to power the hog (which was a huge mistake, I know) and it seemed to work however it produced a very annoying harmonized hum. And then it stopped recognizing the ep-2. I isolated the hog and used the original power supply and everything still works except for the ep-2 expression pedal. In fact, even when a pedal is plugged in only the onboard expression control works.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    well yeah, using it with the daisy chain wouldn’t be advised. Especially since it is center positive and draws a lot of current.

    Was it working with the EP-2 before? Have you tried a switch on your EP-2? Can you try out the EP-2 with a different pedal or use a Multimeter to see that it’s sweeping properly?

    Otherwise, I’d assume something is wrong inside the pedal, and I’d send it in to EH. Here’s their customer service info page:



    The ep-2 was working perfectly before the daisy chain incident. I have tried it with some other pedals and it seems to be working correctly I’m not sure if I know anyone with a multimeter to test it but at this point I’m pretty sure it’s the pedal. Thanks for the link.


    Went to guitar center today and tested the hog with a roland ev-5 and it worked perfectly! Such a relief. So now I’m just goin to replace the pots in the ep-2 and everything should be ok. I know you were losing some sleep over it.




    good to hear, I know I’d miss the hell out of my HOG if I had to send it into EH.

    Wow, interesting set-up man.


    Hey thanks for the reply!

    My board is running dual outputs because I’m usually running an octave below the guitar through the bass amp. I’m in a two piece band with a drummer, so I kinda need a lot of stuff to keep it interesting. Observe:


    this was from a tour we did over the summer. That’s my old board in the video.



    this was from a tour we did over the summer. That’s my old board in the video.


    Nice, I enjoyed that. :thumb:

    Is it nervewracking when you are doing the loops live? It seems to me there’s a high risk of disaster along the way! :D


    Yeah, it can be rough, especially when we first write a song. But we practice and practice and practice until it’s basically on autopilot. Then we can just have fun with the song and stare at eachother during the tough spots. Things go well when you’re in a band with your best friend!!

    And thanks!!

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