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    So I got the V3 Big Muff and it is AWESOME! My question is about the on/off switch. Do I need to turn it off after playing to keep from draining the battery, or is it to engage the power chord? I tend to run off batteries, because I get frustrated with a gaggle of wires. Or am I way wrong and turning the switch on opens a portal to a dimension of Fuzz Utopia?

    Thanks guys!

    The EH Man

    Turn the switch off when not in use or else you’ll be buying new batteries.


    Thanks! That’s kinda what I figured.


    So, can I leave it all hooked up (to other pedals and what not) without draining the battery as long as I turn the switch off?

    So, can I leave it all hooked up (to other pedals and what not) without draining the battery as long as I turn the switch off?

    Most newer gear has the battery hooked up to a stereo input jack so it’s turned on when you plug in your cable. Your muff has the battery hooked to the on/off switch. Turning it off disconnects the battery, same as unplugging from a regular pedal. I much prefer this — my fuzzrite, early muffs, and foxey ladies all have this. Analogman offers a pot with an on/off switch built in as an upcharge on his sunface.


    HA! After I made this post, I left the battery on all night and killed it! HAHAHA!

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