Home Forums Help/Technical Questions tempo control for MM and MB

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    Is there a tap tempo for any of the analog delays, (MM, MB, etc)?

    Also, in the last Effectology Rupert used a photocell in the place of an expression pedal, is there a way that this can work like a tempo control for the analog delays? Or is there another better way?


    There is no tap tempo built in, but you should be able to mod either one of the pedals to have it, and i have also heard of expression pedal mods for the MM, so if you had an expression pedal for tap tempo then i suppose you could just put the photocell in its place like on the video


    Can you really mod the MB adding a tap tempo?, if that´s true i´d like to know how, i just ordered my MB should be arriving soon…


    i dont personally know how to do it but there are analog delays with tap tempo’s, it would probably be a pretty heavy mod but it is possible


    Technically you can mod any delay for tap tempo, you could program a PIC to do it, but that’s very indepth, and it’d be much cheaper and less time consuming to just get a delay that already has tap tempo


    just wait until the deluxe memory boy comes out


    pretty much

    Before the DMB news came out I was thinking about getting a Memory Boy and making a tap-tempo unit for it.

    Basically it would have been a separate pedal that has the Memory Boy (or other delay with expression control over delay time) in the loop and would also be connected to the expression control.

    There’d be a tap mode and a calibration mode. In calibration mode, for different values inputted into the delay time expression it would pulse a sound into the loop, and then from the output of the loop listen and calculate the rhythm of the echoes. Then it would make a graph of Expression output vs Rhythm. Then in tap-tempo mode, it would use that data to translate your tempo into an expression output to get the correct rhythm.

    I could do this cheaply myself because I already have the hardware and software I need to program a digital chip to do that logic. But for most people to do that, they’d have to also buy hardware and software- and it’s not worth it for a single mod.

    And now it’s really not worth it now that the DMB is coming out.

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